important SMS Messages88 messages

Every Person Around you is
Going to Hurt U at Some Point of Time..
But its upto U to Decide What is important..

THE Pain or THE Person..!
Time and distance are important between friends.
When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever.
I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart!
Even if ur sms is not coming,

I think U r sendng sms

but its not delivered.

Even if U r not calling,

I think U r trying

but the network is jammed.

Bcos, Believing is most important in fndshp.
Valuing Friendship is not merely by seeing each other everyday, What''s more important is in our busy lives, We SMS each other! :->
Friendships r An important Part Of Life To All Of Us . . . We Make Friends Go Through Good Times & Bad . . . But Yet Stay Friends For Life
Friends Are What Make Us ''''US''''
You''re important To Me. Life Is Very Short,
And We Are Fragile Creatures.

Our Hearts Were Meant To Be Filled With Love,
Not Hate; Joy And Not Sorrow.

So Please, Stop Today And Take The Time
To Tell Just One Person That Your Life Is Better
Because They Are A Friend!
Think About It

One Of The Gr8est
Titles, V Can Have Is
V Never Appreciate
How important "OLD
V r Older, The Problem
Is, V Need To Start Our
Old Friendships, When
V r Young. V Then
Have To Nurture &
Grow Those
Friendships Over Our
Middle Age When A
Busy Life & Changing
Geographies Can Cause
Us To Neglect Those
Today Is The Day To
Invest In Those People
V Hope Will Call Us
Years To Come ... (:
TwO things are important in Our life.!.

First One,
yOu shOuld make.!
SecOnd One,
yOu shOuld kEEp.!
Success doesnt lie in the "Results",
but in the "Efforts"

the Best is NOT so important,

the Best is all that matters!

havE A guD daY_ ;->
There Are Some Unforgettable Days
In The History Of Any Nation…

<23rd March 1940>

Is Very important Day
On Which
Quaid Gave A Plateform
To The Movement Of Pakistan
And This Is A
Milestone Of Pakistan’s History…


Do U Know Why

d car''s WINDSHIELD is So Large

& d REARVIEW Miror is so Small?

Bcoz Ur PAST is Not As important


So,luk ahead & move on.
In The Chase Between Cat & Mouse . . .
The Mouse Wins Mostly, B''coz The Cat Is Running For Its Food & Mouse For Its Life . . .
Purpose Is More important Than Need