important SMS Messages88 messages

Everyone Has An Invisible Sign Hanging From His Neck Saying
"MAKE ME FEEL important"
Never Forget This Message When Working With Peole
The Most important

Single Ingredient

In The

Formula Of Success

Is Knowing

How To

Get Along With People ... =)
Remeber There Are

Three "R''s"

important In Life ...

1 - "R" espect For Self

2 - "R" espect For Others

3 - "R" esponsibility For All Your Actions ...
Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people
who have kept on trying
when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Our Eyes Are Placed
In front
It Is More important
To Look Ahead
To Look Back ...
"Being Kind
Is Much More
Than Being Right"

For Sometimes
Wh8 A Person Needs
Isn''t A Brilliant Mind
That Speaks
A Patient Heart That
Listens ... !
There are only two important moments in a man''s life...

When he was born


When he proves
Why he was born...
What''s Ur important for me?
Ur thinks is my breath
Ur feels become my beating
Ur breath pour in me spirit
Ur whispering awaken my whole body
Ur sight feels objective of my life
U r as much important as I
I can''t imagine
I can''t explain,
I only Love u forever
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, Show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I Love U
What I Enjoy Is Your Company, Being Near You, Being Togather.

What I Need Is Time With You, Show Me You Care, Let Me Care For You, Let Me Know I''m important To you.

I''ll Be Sure You Know How important You Are To me, All I Need Is You , You To Love me , As I Love U
~ I love you:

Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person''s deepest emotional needs.

The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words:

"I love you."

Love is a choice. You can love even when the feeling is gone.
My Love For You Is Like

The Air I Breathe,

I Can''t See It

But I Always Feel It


Most importantly

I Can''t Live Without It ... (: