TwO things are

TwO things are
TwO things are impOrtant in Our life.!.

First One,
yOu shOuld make.!
SecOnd One,
yOu shOuld kEEp.!

Jun, 16 2010     125 chars (1 sms)     2176 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

My Everything Friend

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad

You’re such a pleasure in my life
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is
You’re a total joy to me
Karo ge yaad to haar baat yaad aye ge

Guzarte waqat ke her moj thehar jaye ge

Talash karo ge jo humse bather doost koi

Nigha door tak jak

Wapis loot aye ge
Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love.

Love risks degenerating into obsession,

friendship is never anything but sharing.
Wishing To Be

Friends Is

Quick Work,

But Friendship

Is A Slow

Ripening Fruit.
Tumhara Bahtrin Dost wo ha k jab tum Gharib ho jao wo tum se Mohabbat kam na kary.

Aur jab tum Dulatmand hojao tu wo apni Mohabbat zayida na kary.
One Injection Of

One Tablet Of

One Tbs Syrup Of

One Drip Of

Take 3 Tyms A Day

It''s All Necessary 4 The Health Of
A lucky star dropped on the Earth 1 night it asked me
what did i want a million dollars or a true friend
i choose a million dollars becoz i already have U
Dear friends,

Just read this and understand.. ....
They love you.. but they are not your lover....

They care for you, but they are not from your family...

They are ready to share your pain , but they are not in yur blood relation.

Theyare..... ...

R: ROOT ofJOy!..
E: END of SoRROW!..
N: NAME of HOPE!..
dats YOU my FRIEND..
Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself,

"Where the hell did I meet these crazy people?"

But then I think "What the hell would I do without them" (:
FrIeNdShIp iS a StRaNgE ThInG...

V FiNd OuRsElVeS tElLiNg EaCh OtHeR

D dEePeSt DeTaIlS oF oUr LiVeS...

ThInGs v DoN''t EvEn ShArE wId

D FaMiLiEs WhO rAiSeD Us...
Pathar se dosti,
Jan ko khatra.
Pathan se dosti,
Demagh ko khatra.
Daru say dosti,
LIver ko khatra.
Hum say dosti,
rat be rat SMS ka khatra!!