home SMS Messages136 messages

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to
another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer
to each other.

Submited in : Christmas SMS

Characters : 138 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to
another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer
to each other.

Submited in : Christmas SMS

Characters : 138 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )
Make for me a place within your heart
On which I can depend. For only you
Touch the ancient wellsprings of my tears,
home through all the wanderings of my years,
Eden that no other can renew,
Root I cannot rend through rage or art.
It Takes 1000 Workers To Built A Castle

Elven Players To Win A Match

Eight Semesters To Complete Engineering

Two Hearts To Make Love


A Single Woman Is Enough To Make A home Sweet & Happy

Let Us Thank Our Mother

Love U Mom . . . =)