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Smooth roads never make good drivers..

Smooth sea never make good sailors..

Clear skies never make good pilots..

Problem free life never makes a strong & good person..

Have a tough, but winning day ahead....

Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life..
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Hi hw r u..
R u free this Sunday? Can u come with us 2 Lshore @ 9am?

Coz Sunday we r opening a new branch of

ZOO. We got all the animals except u
Hi, How r u?
Are u free Tomorrow?
Can u come to me, Bcoz Tomorow we r Opening a New

Admission free, Special offer 4 u... ;->
I"m a kisser,
i kiss people for money, but you are my friend
I ll KISS YOU FOR free !!
Dear customer!your kiss balance is getting low!!
Please get somebody and recharge ur balance now!
u have 2 free kiss,
and 3minutes hug
& will be expired on 1st April 2007
Got a gift 4 u! No cost! No batteries required! Tax free, performs silently, extremely personal! Fully returnable! Its a hug from ME 2 U!!
Love and relationships are truly one of the most paradoxical aspects of being human. For it is in love that we find the greatest of strengths and the deepest of sorrows. Love can seem to be so fleeting and unachievable yet it remains well within our reach if we only learn how to embrace it''s power. To experience true love, we must be willing to open ourselves up and sacrifice part of our heart and part of our soul. We must be willing to give of ourselves freely, and we must be willing to suffer. It is only when we expose our inner selves to the white hot flame of rejection, that love can burn so brightly as to join to souls, melding the two into one, creating a bond that joins forever. It is from this bond that we draw strength eternal and power ever lasting
The Greatest Mistake In Love Is Trying To Possess It
It’ll Spill Out OF Hand Just Like Water
Love Will Retrive From You If You Demand, If You Expect
Love Is Meant To Be free, You Cannot Change Its Nature
If There Are People You Love, Allow Then To Be free Beings.
Give, But Don’t Expect.
Advice, But Don’t Order
Ask, Never Demand . . .
A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself - to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart

one word that frees
of all the
weight and pain in life
All love at first, like generous wine,
Ferments and frets until ‘tis fine;
But when ‘tis settled on the lee,
And from th’ impurer matter free,
Become the richer still the older,
And proves the pleasanter the colder.