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Wats college life?

It consists of so many first experiences in life..

1st freedom

1st cell

1st night out

1st crush

1st girlfriend/boy friend

1st breakup

1st project

1st call/letter

1st feeling of responsibility

1st of so many

& finaly d last of bye

2 all loving frnds


2 stay frnds FOREVER!

Our friendship is so beautiful to me.
Like a bird, it flies free.
It shines brightly like the sun.
Whoever knew friendship was so fun?
It lifts us up, never lets us down.
Never ever does it make us frown.
Our friendship makes us blessed.
It is definitely the best!
FRIEND Means. . . ?

F – free From All Formalities

R – Rite To Say Anything

I – In Anyway

E – Either Good Or Bad

N – No Sorry No Thanks

D – Daantna Peetna Allowed . . . . :->
F-free frm all formality
R-Right 2say anything
I-In Anyway
E-Either Good &Bay
N-No Soory No Thanks
D- Dantna Pitna Allowed.OK
Friendship is a relation where no Charges of Activation,

free incoming, free Outgoing, with roaming facility all over the World!!

Is A CoMfOrTiNg SmIlE ...

A FaMiLiaR sMilE
ThAt WarMs ThE HeaRt


ThE freeDoM tO bE tHe PeRsOn
GoD InTeNdEd .... =)
A True Friend Knows Your Weaknesses But Shows You Your Strengths; Feels Your Fears But Fortifies Your Faith; Sees Your Anxieties But frees Your Spirit; Recognizes Your Disabilities But Emphasizes Your Possibilities.
Fights 4 Friends,
Joyful trips,
Exam fever,
Suspense of result,
Insufficient Money,
...Parody of teachers,
Bunking classes,
Gossip about affairs,
Carefree laugh,
All time cafe,
This is our Student life....
The best period of the life :D
Kashmir Is Very Beautiful Valley But Under

The Control Of India,

Today is Kashmir Day, So Please Pray For Muslims
Of Kashmir.

May Allah Give Them freedom


Also Pray For (Palasteen) Gaza''s Muslims

That They Get freedom From Isreel.

Jis shakhs ke bhaijay main likha NAAD-E-ALI(a.s) hai
oos shakhs ki FIRDOOS talak call free hai
Be HUB-E-ALI(a.s) call jo ALLAH se milay gi
Awaaz yehi aye gi Network busy hai
"If I Had An Army
Like The 72 Soldiers Of
I Would Have Won The
freedom For India In
24 Hours ..."

It is time for you to show your independence. let yourself be heard
so dont follow others footsteps. be youself fly free i mean you are
independant after all.