forgive SMS Messages97 messages

forgiveness is a sign that the

person who has wronged

you means more to you

than the wrong they have dealt.
If you aren''t willing to forgive someone,

then you don''t truly love them.
What''s done is done
Make room for the new
forgive and forget
What has been done to you.
Why Do I Always forgive You?

I Let You Call Me So Many Names,

I Let You Treat Me Like Dirt,

Yet I''m Still Your Friend.
Am I Stupid?

Or Am I A

Good Friend?
"You Should forgive Me,
And Do You Know Why?

Because I Can''t Stand The Thought
Of You Hurting Because
Of Someone Like Me,
And The Only Way You''ll Ever Stop Being Hurt
By Me,

Is If You Stop Hating Me
So You Can Just Forget That
I Ever Even Existed."
Refusing To forgive Someone

Is Like Drinking Poison,

And Waiting For

The Other Person To Die.







But I Can


forgive Sounds Good
Forget Im Not Sure I Could
They Say Time Heals Everything
But Im Still Waiting
There Is A


That Could Fall




Let forgiveness Wash Away The

A Nice Thought-

"when We have the heart

to forget those who made us Smile,

why cant we have the heart

to forgive someone who made us Cry"
Golden rules to be happy:-

1. Never see any dreams.
2. Just live in 2day.
3. Dont love anybdy too much that it is painful to leave.
4. Always believe that GOD sees everythng but waits to show mercy.
5. forgive everybody 4 what he has done wrong 2 u.
6. Never tell ur pains to anybody. Not even urself.
||. . . ToDaYz ThOuGhT . . .||

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.