forgive SMS Messages97 messages

The recipe of friendship:, 1 cup of sharing.. 2 cups of caring.. 3 cups of forgiveness &hugs.. mixx all these together to make friends 4 ever..
Friendship is a 1 Way Road

to be Travelled by Two,

with Hand in Hand,

2 Care,

2 Share,

2 forgive,

2 Love


2 Say Silently

"I''m Always with U".
Friendship is a 1 Way Road

to be Travelled by Two,

with Hand in Hand,

2 Care,

2 Share,

2 forgive,

2 Love


2 Say Silently

"I''m Always with U"
Friendship is not how you forget.,but how you forgive. . .
Not how you listen, But how you understand. . .
Not how you see, But how you feel. . .
And not how you let go, But how you hold. . .
Freiends are part of life . . .
if u find faults in any of his/her behaviour,

just ignore d faults n forgive dem.

Coz act of forgiveness is necessary

in true relationship
We Cannot Get
Very Far A
If We Are Not
Prepared To forgive
Each Other''s
Smaller Defects ... (:

Stay Blessed .. !!
Choose to love
rather than hate

Choose to smile
rather than frown

Choose to build
rather than destroy

Choose to persevere
rather than quit

Choose to praise
rather than gossip

Choose to heal
rather than wound

Choose to give
rather than take

Choose to act
rather than delay

Choose to forgive
rather than curse

Choose to pray
rather than despair . . .
When asked:
"what is forgiveness?"

A little girl gave this lovely reply:
"Its the sweet scent a flower gives after being crushed".
When guilt rears its ugly head confront it,
discuss it and let it go. The past is over.
It is time to ask what can we do right,
not what did we do wrong.
forgive yourself and move on.
Hate, But Love More... Argue, But Agree More
Talk, But Listen More.. Punish, But forgive More..
Then People Will Love U More
Strength of a character

- The ability to
overcome resentment
against other...

- To hide hurt


- To forgive quickly... :>)
4 Hardest Tasks on Earth are
Neither Physical nor Intellectual Feats but
They are Spiritual Ones:

To Return Love for Hate.

To Include the Excluded.

To forgive Without Apology.

To be Able to say I Was Wrong.