forget SMS Messages210 messages

That Smile that comes on your face so sudden,
So sweet that I can almost taste;
Those Eyes that I see you batting away,
Makes me forget my haste.
That Hair that you run your fingers through,
So deep and dark like a Raven;
With all that in mind, how can I forget you,
When ‘tis you where I find my heaven.
The way you Laugh at a single joke,
It sounds like the Tinkle of a bell;The cent of you after a shower,
for which I thank God that in love with YOU I fell
Love.......y does it hurt?
y does it pain?
may b bcoz we love sum1 too much and too deep
that lwe forget to keep a little love for ourselves
No Matter Where You Go..No Matter What You Do..
If We Grow Apart..Or Come Closer Together..
If You Fall In Love..And forget All About Me..
Or If You Came To Hate Me..I Want You To Know That
I Will Always Love You..And Always Be There For You..
No Matter Where Your Destiny Lies..You Will Always Be My Friend..
And If Fate Tears Us Apart..Always Remember That
No Matter How Long It Has Been Since We Talked..
Or Why We Stopped Talking..If Life Brings You Down..
I Will Always Be There For You..You Can Call Me Anytime..Anywhere..
I Will Listin To You..I Wont Ever Judge You..And Always Remember..I Love You
hey! if the sun forgets shining if the moon forgets lighting if the fishes forget swimming if the wind forgets blowing if the heart forgets breathing if the cloud forgets crying and if the birds forget flying u have 2 be sure that i can nver forget u
Love Is As Much Of An Object As An Obsession. . EveryBody Wants It. . . EveryBody Seeks It. . .
But A Few Ever Achieve It. . . Those Who Do, Will Cherish It. . .
Be Lost In It And MAmong All . . . Willl Never Never Never forget It . . .
you will forget what i said.
you will forget what i did.
But you will never forget,
How i made them feel.
Love is blind hard to find easy to get but difficult to forget!!!
Love Is As Much Of An Object As An Obsession
Everybody Wants It, Seeks It
But Few Ever Achieve It
Those Who Do Will Cherish It, Be Lost In It
Among All,
Never.... Never forget It. . .
feel good when some one miss u
feel better when some one love u
feel best when some one never forget u
Ur glowing eyezz..givezz me a zillion reasnzz..
to forgo my painzz..

Ur twinkling eyezz..makezz me a forte of those starzz..
to forget myself..

Ur lovely eyezz have made me immensely popular..

Evnthough, I try tuf to camouflage..
Hv been caught..!

B MINE..!"
When We Have The Heart To

forget Those Who Made Us Smile,

Why Cant We''ve The Heart To Forgive

Someone Who Made Us Cry.

Have Nice Day!
A Wonderful Saying..

Trying To forget Someone Whom

You Love A Lot Is Like

Trying To Remember


You''ve Never Met...!