forget SMS Messages210 messages

Dey Say Its Difficult 2 WAIT 4 Sm1!
Dey Say Its Difficult 2 forget Sm1!
D Most Difficult Thing Is 2 Decide Whether 2 WAIT Or 2 forget Sm1!!
First Luv Is Unforgettable,

So Be Careful To Enter Dis Field,

As D First Shot May B D Last,

Only Lucky Ppl Get Best

Frm Der 1st Shot..

Go Ahead.
Its Amazing
How 1 Prson Can Bring You So Much Happiness & Pain In Ur Life.

May Be Its Really Love Knocking When He/She Can Make You So Happy


You forget All The Pain.

So Don''t forget All The Happiness When He/She Breaks Your Heart...
The heart doesn''t forget

those special people

for whom it cares,

though daily struggle of life

puts us a bit apart,

u r remembrd always

by this HEART.
I Will Wait ...

Till The Day
"I" Can forget "You" ...


The Day
You Realize
"You" Cannot forget "Me" ...
sometimes u misses me

but most of the time i do

some time u sms me !

but most of the time i do!!

sometimes u forget me !!

dts the only thing " I NEVER DO"
In my life I learned how
2 love,
2 smile,
2 B happy,
2 B strong,
2 work hard,
2 B honest,
2 B faithful,
2 forgive.
But I couldn"t learn how 2 forget U...
Sometimes I forget 2 say hi,
sometimes I forget 2 reply,
sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u,
but it doesn"t mean I forget u.
I"m just giving u time to Miss me
Money says spend me noy,
time say waste me not
flower says touch me not
study says leave me not
sms says erase me not
& i say forget me not
Near ones are not dear,
dear ones are not near,
it is easy to remember the near ones,
but very difficult to forget the dear ones.
Missing You.
Don"t forget that someone somewhere is wishing for ur happiness on
every falling star. Missing You!
Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my msg doesn''t reach u,
But, it doesn''t mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss m