broken SMS Messages79 messages

Light, Love, and Laughter...

A friend is light,
bright enough to conquer
the darkness of broken heart,
bringing sunshine to the soul,
making the whole world seem bright and hopeful.

A friend is love,
a special blessing from above,
bringing warmth to a heart grown cold,
making life a grand and exciting adventure.

A friend is laughter,
a gift of joy,
leaving behind a smile
and erasing all traces of woe,
making everything seem shiny and new.
A broken Star Asked Me To Choose A Million Dollars & A Nice Friend.
It Took Me A Second In Choosing Million Dollars. Why? Bcoz I Already Have You . . . . . ;->
In The Heart
Are The Worst
Residents ...

1- They Capture
The Heart
(Qabza Group)

2- They Pay
No Rent

3- They Don''t
Vacant Easily

4- When They
The Place,
Is broken
"i thought u r very busy

so dint disturb u"

dis is d main reason behind most broken friendships...

so keep disturbing ur frnds as i did!!!
Diz Is SpEcIaLy For You

If your heart is broken tell me, I''ll get the glue =P

If you are lost in life call me, I''ll come find you (=

If you''re sad =( please just text me, it''s my obligation to make you smile =)


If you''re happy let me know =D We''ll celebrate in a unique style. ;->
When true friendship blinds 2 indivisuals together,
That bond can never be broken

For in times of confusion,
Ill be there to listen you.

In the time of sadness,
Ill be there to console you.

In the times of anger,
Ill be there to talk with you.

Even when you are confused,sad or anything.
Search your heart and I will be there.

I am and always be your friend.
If an egg is broken from outside , a life comes to an end
when the egg breaks from within , a life is born
Great n good things need to happen from within...!
Words & Heart Are The 2 Things

To Be Handled With Care.

Because Words Once

Spoken And Heart Once

broken Are D

Hardest Things To Retain Again
Big Fights Usually Break RELATIONS


MINOR Misunderstandings


The Fact Is

SPOILED Relations Are More Painful Then broken ONES ...
If An Egg Is broken Due 2 OUTSIDE Force Inside Life END''s

If It Breaks Frm Inside Life Begins

GREAT Things Alwys Begin Frm Inside
Once I happened to walk
on a high bridge

It was so high
that I got scared

I saw an Angel on
the other side.
I prayed To Allah 4 Help

But the Angel didn''t come

I somehow managed to
cross the bridge

There I saw the Angel
holding the end of the
broken bridge ..

"Sometimes We think why
Allah is keeping quite ?"

HE is not helping
cross the bridge
HE might b holding the
broken bridge 4 U

Have Faith
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone,
make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart,
cuz broken hearts has never spare parts