If an egg is broken

If an egg is broken
If an egg is broken from outside , a life comes to an end
when the egg breaks from within , a life is born
Great n good things need to happen from within...!

Jun, 15 2010     160 chars (1 sms)     2472 views       Inspirational

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In The Ocean Of Life ...

God Is Our Buoyant Force.

No Matter How Strong The Wind And How Gigantic The Waves Are,

We Will Not Sink Because We Are Anchored To Him
Hard work spotlights the character of people:
some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their
noses, and some don''t turn up at all.
A Bird Sitting On A Branch Doesn''t Get

Frightend By D Shaking Branch Coz D Bird

Trusts Not D Branch But Its Own Wings.

Trust Urself Alwz
Sum Ppl Think That


As Sentimentaly Bad,

But They 4get

2 Know About

"Every Black Board

Makes Bright Students"
As Far As U Think
"Not NOW"

Success Becomes
"Never" ...


As Soos As U Think
"Why Not Now"

Success Surely Will Becomes
"Yours" ... =)
Life will be pleasant,

If we are satisfied with

What we have.

But will be more thrilling

If we make efforts to

Achieve what we desire
If u cant find the brighter side of life..
polish the darker side

Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to live a life..
We Must Move
Asking GOD To Take Care
Of The Things That Are
Breaking Our Hearts,
Praying About
The Things That Are
Breaking HIS Heart
Bright Be The Road U R Walking,

Light Be The Load U R Carrying,

Sweet Be The Home U R Staying,

Happy Be The Day U R Foreseeing
It has been said that we need
just three things in life:
Something to do.
Something to look forward to.
And someone to love..."
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches

In your soul are infinitely precious things
that cannot be taken from you.”