black SMS Messages75 messages

SmiLiNg Is NoT My ReAliTy,
ThIs Is HoW I PrEtEnD To Be,
By NiGhT I CrY MySeLf To SlEeP,
WiD My GoD FrOwNiNg At Me,
DrOwnInG In A FlOoD Of TeArS,
BuT TeArs Are My DeStInY,
My ViSiOn A BlUr As I FuLLFiLL,
AnD ThIs Is HoW I MeAnT To Be,
My LiFe UnWoRthY,
My SelF To KiLL,
ExIsTeNcE A ToRtUrE I MuSt EnDurE,
As U RegArDeD SuiCiDe As SiN,
I M NoT AgAiNsT U My HeArt Is PuRe,
FaTe Is MoCkInG WiTh An EviL GriN,
SuRrOuNDeD In A black NeSs So DeEp,
I WaLk,I SeE But SuRvIvE No MoRe,
I M DeAd InSiDe,
In DaRkNeSs WeEp,
YoU KnoW I LoVe U,
LIkE EvEr BeFoRe,
FoRgIvE Me As In My GrAvE I LaY,
FrEe Me oF ThiS PaIn AnD LeT Me DiE,
I JuSt CaNT BaRe It AnY MoRe:''(
On your knee, in the lamplight,
dipping buttered toast in your coffee,
I hear the hush of the silent house.
The other children gone off to school,
you and I sit together
alone in the dim morning light,
full of love and trust,
chattering to one another about
simple times with unfurrowed brows.
We were so close then.
I hold that memory in my mind
like an old black and white photograph
one would carry in a wallet, worn soft
from years of riding in a back pocket,
a photo
showing the ones you love,
the most beautiful mother,
the best loved and dearest held,
the treasured one--
to be shown far from home.
girl: what do you like in me?
boy: Those two white big balls having black dots in it...
girl: what???
boy: yes i like your eyes. its really beautiful
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend,
white for peace, orange 4 luck,black for hate,
red for love and pink for likeness,So i choose for
u Orange Flower.Wish u goodluck
Meaning of some colors,
Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend, white for peace,
orange 4 luck,black for hate, red for love and pink for likeness,So i
choose for u Orange Flower.Wish u goodluck
A black Baby Was Given A Set Of Wings By God.
The Baby Asked “Does This Mean I’m An Angel”.
God Laughed And Replied,
“Nah Niggah U Is A Bat!”

Happy Halloween
When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
Sum Ppl Think That

black Color

As Sentimentaly Bad,

But They 4get

2 Know About

"Every black Board

Makes Bright Students"
Missing You

Is Like Being

Lost In A

black And White World ....


Seems So

Faded And Lonely ...
What wil u select 4 my personality..?

1.Blue Bangles
2.White Dress
3.Red Lipstick
4.Pink Earings
5.Silver Ring Eye Makeup
7.Golden Shoes.

Reply.. Then i''ll tell u the answer..!

Blue Bangles: U think Im gud lukinG
White Dress:U think Im religious
Red Lipstick: U think Im hot Pink
Pink Earings: U think Im funky
Silver Ring: U love me
black Eye Makeup: U think Im sexy
Golden Shoes: U think Im boring!
Select any one colour then I will tell U k aapki shadi kis tarah hogi..

Look result
Blue: Go against ur parents
Pink:Love Marriage
orange:Runner marriage
red:Arrange Marriage
purple:wid Friend
black:No marriage
which color u want ur partner to wear on ur first date?
I''ll send u the meanings after wardz

BLK=u luv ur partnr4his luks.
BLU=u r truly in luv wd ur partnr.
WYT=ur luv is pure.
RED=u r so romntic.GREEN=ur luv is jst 4money.
MROON=u r nt detrmind to1 person