beauti SMS Messages362 messages

I don’t flirt for fun

Its one of my duties

Tell me How can I resist such beauties

It is life with whom

I like flirting with the most

I am still not committed though I have fallen for the trap almost
beautiful friendship Saying:
“Life can give us a number of beautiful Friends!”
“Only True Friends can give us a beautiful Life…!!”
I Wish 4 " U "

Great start 4 Monday

No Obstacles 4 Tuesday

No stress 4 Wednesday

No worry 4 Thursday

Smile 4 Friday

Party 4 Saturday

& Great fun 4 Sunday

"Have a beautiful and smart week."
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
You are amazingly amazing,
beautifully beautiful,
and heavenly heavensent
while being imperfectly perfect.
You are the one for me..!!
No greeting card to give,
No beautiful flowers to send,
No cute pictures to forward,
Just a loving heart saying
Boy: Hi

Girl: Hey how are You?

Boy: I am texting the most the beautiful girl in the world.

Girl: (emotionally) Awwwwwwwwwwww sooo sweet.

Boy: But she is not replying so I am texting U...... =D :)
Let the most beautiful dream come to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person come in ur dream tonight.
But dont make it a habit bcoz I m not free every night.
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched,
they must be felt with the heart

Good morning and have a beautiful day :-)
Every Life In This World
Is Painted By GOD.
I am Thankful To Him
Because When He
Painted My Life
beautiful Colour
Like U…..
As My Friend.
Faith makes every thing Possible in Life
Love makes everything beautiful around
I wish and Pray both remain in your life forever
To the beautiful couple in all the land, May your anniversary be Happy and Grand. Happy Anniversary