One Of The Most Beautiful Qualities

One Of The Most Beautiful Qualities
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

Feb, 15 2014     93 chars (1 sms)     1843 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I Miss Ur Face
I Miss Ur Voice
I Miss Ur Smile
I Miss Ur Call
I Miss Ur Company
I Nevr Mis Ur
Honest & Sweetest
A deep friend is like rainbow,
when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed,
the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.
A Cute Thought 4 Those Who Believes In Frndship . . .

Its Not Necessary 2 Share Every Secret B/w True Frends
The Thing Is That What Ever U Share Shud Be True . . . :)
Wh8 sweetnes is left in
lyf if U take away
Robbing lyf of
"frndship" is lyk
robbing d sun of d wrld
A "true frnd" iz mre 2
b esteemd thn kinsfolk :)
*If You Are In Love:
-Get The Best Of It
-Forget The Bad Things
-Enjoy It 'coz Nothing Lasts Forever
*If You Just Broke Up:
-Never Cry! Remember That You Were Happy
-Never Stay Alone! Your Frinds Are
-Hug More People
-Stop Listening To Music! It Only
Make Things Worse.. *If You Are Single 'n Alone:
-Play, Play 'n Play! Noone Can
Blame You
-Enjoy Every Opportunity
-Never Stop Lookin For Someone..!
Friendship Is Needless

Like Philosophy

Like Art

It Has No Survival Value


It Is One Of Those Things That Give Value To Survival. . . .
A friendship doesn''t
shine by shaking
hands in the best times
It blossoms by holding
the hands firmly in
critical times ...
Indeed, True friendship
doesn''t require religion,
cast or culture similarity
Infact need a lot of
understanding blended
with extreme care, respect
and sacrifice .. (-,=)
FRIENDSHIP is medicine For any kind of pain But Be sure dat Therz no medicine in de world for d pain given by FRIENDSHIP!
JAN- Ki Dhoop Ho
FEB- Ki Barish Ho
MAR- Ki Shaam Ho
APR- Ki Bahar Ho
MAY- Ki Subha Ho
JUN- Ki Chaa''on Ho
JUL- Ki Khushbu Ho
AUG- Ki Taaro''n Bhari
Raat Ho
SEP- Ki Chandni Ho
OCT- Ki Rimjhim Ho
NOV- Ki Hawa Ho
DEC- Ki Sard Raat Ho

SAAL k 12 Mahiney
Saath Ho ... :)
Your smile is my sunrise, your kiss is
my sunset. Thank you for being the
most wonderful friend and companion.
A GrEaT fRiEnDsHiP
Is FoRmEd
CoZ oF 2 ReAsOnS
1sT tO fInD oUt ThE
2nD iS tO rEsPeCt ThE
DifFeReNcEs ... :)
Hum to kuch dair k liye lete thy "Faraz", Kisi Anni dy Puttar ne janaza perha diya