answer SMS Messages252 messages

"Love is the answer.
Now, what is your question?"
Friends..this is what we r everyone..,respect everyone..,help everyone..and be the one to do so first!! ..but haan do not expect anything in return..u will wonder..that u will get much more than unexpected..try it once..
Its madness...
To hate all roses cz U got scratch by one thorn,

To give up all Ur dreams cz one didn''t come true,

To loose faith in prayers cz one wasn''t answered,

To give up Ur efforts cz one of them failed,

To condemn all Ur friendz cz one betrayed U,

Not to believe in love cz someone was unfaithful...

Remember that another chance will come up, a new friend, a new love, a new life...

Never give up...

Cz life is indeed beautiful.
If If you don''t go
after what you want,
you''ll never have it.

If you don''t ask,
the answer is always no.

If you don''t step forward,
you''re always in
the same place ...
Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??..
(answer is "KISS").
• Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips.
What is first thing? ..??.. (answer is "KISS").
When you love someone truly,
you don"t look for faults,
you don"t look for answers,
you don"t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
When you love someone truly,
you don’t look for faults,
you don’t look for answers,
you don’t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults
overlook the excuses
People fall in luv not knowing why or how. It''s so special a feeling that it doesn''t require much answers. U just luv no matter how stupid u become.
\... An Unbeatable QuOte .../

i Saw U Sitting And Crying...
So I asked U WHy ...?
U Didn''t answer...

I Tried To Hold Ur Hand ...
But u Walked Away ...
Wiping Ur Tears ...
Then i Realised U Were
Sitting On My Grave.../
There Are Only Four Questions Of Value In Life . . . ! ! !

1. What Is Sacred ?

2. Of What Is The Spirit Made Off ?

3. What Is Worth Living For ?

4. What Is Worth Dying For ?

The answer To Each Is The Same . . .

The answer To Each Is The Same . . .

There Are Only Four Questions Of Value In Life . . . ! ! !

1. What Is Sacred ?

2. Of What Is The Spirit Made Off ?

3. What Is Worth Living For ?

4. What Is Worth Dying For ?

The answer To Each Is The Same . . .

The answer To Each Is The Same . . .

“If You Have To Think About

Whether You Love Someone

Or Not Then The answer Is No.

When You Love

Someone You Just Know.”