True friend SMS Messages77 messages

A True friend is one who

sees a fault, gives you advice

and who defends you in your absence
Some times I feel tears in your laughing
Some times I feel sadness in your happiness

But It is True friendship when you know unexpressed emotions of your friend
A True friend is like a cool shadow of tree
When you get tired of hot weather
You sit under this shadow of friendship

"Be my True friend for always"
A nice quote by a True friend
"I don't care when you disturb me, it disturbs me when you don't disturb me"
A short but nice sentence by a True friend
"Surely Hurt me with truth, but never please me with a lie"
True friends are like Diamond
They are real and rare
And everyone want it

False Friends are like sand and dust
They are scattered everywhere
And everyone hate it.

Your are my diamond, Take cares of yourself
Beautiful friendship Saying:
“Life can give us a number of Beautiful Friends!”
“Only True friends can give us a Beautiful Life…!!”
One of the most beautiful qualities of True friendship is to understand and to be understood.
Friends can help each other.
A True friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel.
Or, not feel.
Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them.
Thats what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is.
To have a lovely life;
Either, one must have a True Lover
Greater than All Friends,
Or, One must have a True friend
who Really Cares,
More than a Lover...
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
Reliability….A True friend is someone that you can always rely on.
Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in u,ur fears, joys, and life.
Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or day.
Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a True friend is never far away.
Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share with a friend.
Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
Perfect……..The friendship
True friends are like mornings, u cant have them the whole day, but u can be sure, they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow, next year and forever.