Ruth SMS Messages148 messages

Amazing tRuth...

People fight for religion, die for religion, but don''t follow religion...

Strange but True.
Press Down if u think u r MAD.
I can"t Believe u Did That!
For God Sake! LORD!!
Why u Still Doing it?
TRuth is out now!
This is my wish for you

Comfort On Difficult Days. . .
Smiles When Sadness Intrudes. . .
Rainbows To Follow The Clouds. . .
Laughter To Kiss Your Lips. . .
Sunsets To Warm Your Heart. . .
Hugs When Spirits Sag. . .
Beauty For Your Eyes To See. . .
Friendships To Brighten Your Being. . .
Faith So That You Can Believe. . .
Confidence For When You Doubt. . .
Courage To Know Yourself. . .
Patience To Accept The TRuth. . .
Love To Complete Your Life. . .
A Luvly Saying By Shakespare

Doubt The Stars r Fire

Doubt The Sun Dont Move

Doubt TRuth To Be A Liar

But Never Doubt Love

"Love Is Utter Submission"
Love Is Being Honest Wid Urselt @ All Times
Being Honest Wid Other Persom @ All Times
Telling, Respecting, Listening The TRuth & Never Pretending . . .
Doubt that the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun dont move,
doubt tRuth to be a liar,
but never doubt I love u.
Do not judge by color of eyes
but judge by innocence in the eyes
Do not judge by lipstick worn on the lips
but judge by tRuth spoken by lips
Do not judge by complexion of hands
but judge by workdone by those hands
Do not judge by golden anklet worn on feet
but judge by the brave steps taken by the feet
Do not judge by height,weigh or any physical part
but judge by purity of heart!
U Can Hide D Pain U Feel & U Make Others Beleive That U Can Move On

But U Cant Deny The TRuth Dat The 1

Who Has Hurt U Is Still The Same
U Will Choose To Love
Even a Lie is Gud if its Spoken out of Luv..

TRuth is Bad if its Spoken just 2 Hurt..

Its alwaz Better 2 Show Luv dan 2 Hurt

So Keep Lying

N Keep Loving..
~ Ultimate TRuth ~

Love Is What ...
Can Be Felt Not Tod

It Can Be Given
Not Sold

It Comes When
You Least Expect It


Leaves You When
You Most Need It ...
I''m sorry if I have caused you pain,
and much more pain that i might have
and could have caused her...

I''m sorry for my fragility
--that must have been a great burden to you...

I''m sorry for making you feel worried about me,
when I FIRMLY believe you''re not supposed to.

I''m sorry to have
a part of my brain and my heart
believe that there was a "slight" tRuth when you told me
you love me..

I''m sorry...
I love you...

A guy and his girl friend where speeding
at 100 kmph.
GIRL:slow down its too scray...
BOY:no its fun.and asked her to hug him tight and tells
her that the helmet is heavy on my head take it and
were it on....
The next day its seen in the newspapers that a bike
crashed into the building and out of that only the girl
survived. the tRuth is that the guy realised that the
breaks failed but he dont want her 2 know.
he felt her love by getting her hug the last time........