Learn SMS Messages145 messages

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to Learn new things and move forward with your life."
Dr. David M. Burns
Sardar Wrote BILL GATES
Abt PCS & WINDOWS Problmz

1- My Child Learnd
MS WORD Nw He Wants

2 - Find Only RE-CYCLE
I Need It, As I Owe A
Vespa Scooter

3 - I See MS OFFICE But I
Need MS HOME, As I Use
PC At Home

4 - Finaly, Howz Dat
Ur Name Is GATES But
U r Selling WINDOWS ... ;->
I have Learned that sometimes

"S O R R Y"

is not enough.

Sometimes you actually have to change.
The secret of success is Learning how to use pain and pleasure
instead of having pain and pleasure use you.
If you do that, you''re in control of your life.
If you don''t, life controls you
A teacher teaches lesson first and then takes the exam.

Life takes the exam first, and then teaches a lesson ...

Keep Learning...
Ppl often feel smthin but express smthin else.

Dey mean smthin but say smthin else.

So Learn d art of sayin nothin

in such a way,

dat it leavs nothin unsaid.
Ppl often feel smthin but express smthin else.

Dey mean smthin but say smthin else.

So Learn d art of sayin nothin

in such a way,

dat it leavs nothin unsaid.....;->
If we desire to blossom like a rose in
the garden, then we must Learn the art of adjusting with the thorns. Difficulties will make you shine
To know how to choose a path with heart is to Learn how to follow intuitive feeling.

Logic can tell you superficially where a path might lead to,

but it cannot judge whether your heart will be in it.
][ ToDaYzZz tHoUgHt ][

Learn from the mistakes of others.

You can''t live long enough to make them all yourself.
:-: Deep Quote :-:
" Try To Learn Something About Everything And Everything About Something. "
:-: Live Worthwhile :-:
\\ ToDaYzZz tHoUgHt //

YoU DoN''T NeEd

FaNcy HiGhBrOw tRadiTiOnS


MoNeY tO rEaLlY Learn

YoU JusT nEeD PeOpLe

WiTh ThE dEsIrE tO

BeTtEr ThEmSeLvEs ....