"Aim for success, not perfection

"Aim for success, not perfection
"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life."
Dr. David M. Burns

Jun, 09 2010     184 chars (2 sms)     2098 views       Quatations

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"A failure is a man who has blundere,but is not able to spend your life in your own way"
To Die in Luv For SumOne is Not THe Big Thing..To LivE in PaiN wiTh SmilE ForEver is The AchievemEnt.
zindagi ustad se b ziyada sakht hoti he
ustad pahle sabaq deta he phir imtehan leta he
lekin zindagi pahle imtehan leti he phr sabq deti he...............
by hazrat Ali
"When u r in light everything vl follow u,but wen u r in dark even ur shadow vl not follow u"
apply this to ur life......
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)
"What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth.
This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.
All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.
Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
-Chief Seattle (1786-1866)
Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds).
When it rains

all d birds fly 4 Shelter.

But Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain

By Flying Above d Cloud.

MORAL : Problem is common 2 all,

But ATTITUDE Makes d Difference.../
"You are the people who are shaping a better world.
One of the secrets of inner peace is the practice of compassion."
-Dalai Lama (1935 -)
"Conscience is God"s presence in man."
-Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
"The Dream is not what you see in sleep..,
Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep."
"to climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first"