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Love and relationships are truly one of the most paradoxical aspects of being human. For it is in love that we find the greatest of strengths and the deepest of sorrows. Love can seem to be so fleeting and unachievable yet it remains well within our reach if we only learn how to embrace it''s power. To experience true love, we must be willing to open ourselves up and sacrifice part of our heart and part of our soul. We must be willing to give of ourselves freely, and we must be willing to suffer. It is only when we expose our inner selves to the white hot flame of rejection, that love can burn so brightly as to join to souls, melding the two into one, creating a bond that joins forever. It is from this bond that we draw strength eternal and power ever Lasting
I know nothing Lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will Last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.
As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,
For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,
I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past,
But know my love will always Last,
Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.
As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,
For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,
I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past,
But know my love will always Last,
Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.
As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,
For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,
I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past,
But know my love will always Last,
Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.
We all want to fall in love. . .

Why. . ?

Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only Last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn''t diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives. . .
Love me for a second and I will make that second Last a lifetime. . . ! ! !
Love knows no limit to its endurance,
no end to its trust, no fading of its hope;
it can outLast anything.

Love still stands when all else has fallen.
Two hearts that beat as one,
which is what love is all about.
Two lives that intertwine,
never wanting to let one another go.
This is the genesis of love,
an everLasting one.

silence 4


in memory

of those poor mosquitoes

who died

Last nite

aftr drinking

ur blood,

they had

a heavy



u r

so SWEET!!!

A relationship is like a rose,

How long it Lasts, no one knows;

Love can erase an awful past,

Love can be yours, you''ll see at Last;

To feel that love, it makes you sigh;

To have it leave, you''d rather die;

You hope you''ve found that special rose, ''
WE All Want To Fall In LOVE . . .
Why ? ? ?
Bcoz That Experience Makes Us Feel Completely Alive
Where Every Scene Is Heightend, Every Emotion Is Magnified, Our Everyday Reality Is Shattered & We Are Flying Into Heavens. It May Only Last A Moment, An Hour, An Afternoon, But that Doesn’t Diminsh It’s Value
We Are Left With Memories That We Treasure For The Rest For Our Life