I ____ you SMS Messages324 messages

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("( "o" ) ( "o" )")

. Every time I say "how are you"
Press down if you miss me
So U Miss Me
Ok You Can Stop
Still Pressing
Well, I miss you too.
Whenever I miss you, stars falls down from the sky.
So any day if you find the sky empty, don"t blame me!
It"s all your fault; You made me Miss You So Much
I miss you so,
here around me,
so many people,
but yet so alone.
I miss your lips,
your lovely smile,
I miss you each day more and more
I miss you.
I miss all of the caring
things you do,
and spending the evening
alone with you.
When the night has come and the land"s dark.
When the moon is the only light.
We"ll see, look at the stars
Can you count them?
I miss you that much.
Good Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night Time,Work Time,Off Time,Happy Time,Sad Time,Sleep Time,In the Mean Time...I MISS YOU all the Time
You mu$t be a good runner becau$e you are alway$ running in my mind,
you mu$t be a good thief becau$e you have $tolen my heart,
and i am alway$ a bad $hooter becau$e I Mi$s You Alway$.....

1 Heart

2 Eyes

5 Litters Blood

208 Bones

5.5 Million Red Cells

60 Trillion DNA"s......

smile for ever
I MiSs YoU iN EverY BeAt Of My HeArt ...
iN EveRy Blink Of My EyeS ...
iN EveRy SeConD Of TimE ...
iN EveRy MomEnt Of a DaY ...
BCOZ !!! BCOZ !!! BCOZ !!! ***
I miss you
Knowing a person like u,has made me happy in a million ways and if
ever I have to let u go... I would find a million reasons to make u
stay. I miss you
The Word ''Hello'' means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you!