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'''' Why Do I Love You ???


You Are
Always Have Been
My DREAM ... '''' (:
I MISS YOU in every beats of heart,
In every blink of my eyes,
In every second of Time and...
In every moment of the Day !
I feel you

I feel you
In every stone
In every leaf of every tree
That you ever might have grown
I feel you
In everything
In every river that might flow
In every seed you might have sownI feel you
In every vain
In every beating of my heart
Each breath i take.
I feel you,
The Smallest Word
Is "I"

The Sweetest Word


The Dearest Person
In The World
Is "YOU"

That''s Why

I LOVE YOU ... (:
I''m sorry if I have caused you pain,
and much more pain that i might have
and could have caused her...

I''m sorry for my fragility
--that must have been a great burden to you...

I''m sorry for making you feel worried about me,
when I FIRMLY believe you''re not supposed to.

I''m sorry to have
a part of my brain and my heart
believe that there was a "slight" truth when you told me
you love me..

I''m sorry...
I love you...
When We Want To Talk

More Than Usual To
Our Dearest,

Sometimes We Can''t
Even Say Single Word,

Just The Silence

" ... I Love You ..." :)
Each Day ...

"I Love You More"

More Than


Less Than
"Tomorrow" ... :)
i die
YoU will go my graves.
Don''t cry.
Don''t say any thing.
Don''t give any flower.
don''t say anything.

just say
I LoVe YoU
The Greatest Distance
Earth Isn''t North And
It Is When I Am Right In
Of You And You Don''t
Know That

~ I Love You ~
While Dad Was Polishing His New Car,

His 4 Yr Old Son Picked Stone & Scratched Lines On The Side Of The Car.

In His Anger, Dad Took The Child''s Hand & Hit It Many Times, Not

Realizing He Was Using A Wrench.

At The Hospital, His Child Said "Dad When Will My Fingers Grow Back?"

Dad Was So Hurt.

He Went Back To Car And Kicked It A Lot Of Times.

Sitting Back He Looked At The Scratches, Child Wrote "I LOVE YOU DAD"

Anger And Love Has No Limits...
Little Girl And Her Father Were Crossing A Bridge.

The Father Was Kind Of Scared So He Asked His Little Daughter,

Sweetheart, Please Hold My Hand So That You Don''t Fall Into The River.

The Little Girl Said, ''No, Dad. You Hold My Hand.'' ''What''s The Difference?

Asked The Puzzled Father.

There''s A Big Difference,

Replied The Little Girl.

If I Hold Your Hand And Something Happens To Me,

Chances Are That I May Let Your Hand Go.

But If You Hold My Hand, I Know For Sure That No Matter What Happens

You Will Never Let My Hand Go.''
I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone. I miss your lips, your lovely smile, I miss you each day more and more!