I ____ you SMS Messages324 messages

I Believe My Heart
It Believes In You
It''s Telling Me
That What I See
Is Completely True
I Believe My Heart
How Can It Be Wrong
It Says What I Feel For You
I Love You For Whole My Life
When I say I love you,
It doesn’t mean just 3 words of love,
It means I care for you,
I trust u,
I believe you,
I miss you,
Love sometimes changes some moment
And sometimes WHOLE LIFE...;->
Never Say I Love You If You Don''t Care . . .

Never Talk About Feelings

If They''re Not There . . .

Never Touch A Life If You Mean To Break A Heart.
A Special Smile

A Special Face

A Special Some One I Cant Replace

I Love You & I Alwayz Will

You Have Filled A Space

No One Can Fill
Every Time I Think Of You, I''m sad ...

Every Time I Hear Your Name, I''m Mad ...


Every Time I Think Of How You Make Me Feel, I''m Glad ... =)
831 Means

"I Love You"

8 Letters

3 Words

1 Meaning ... :)
If I Have To Choose


Loving You And Breathing

I Would Use My Last Breath To Say

"I Love You" ... (:
I Finally Got My Past,


And Future Tenses

Correct Today.

I Loved You..

I Love You..

I Will Love You Forever! :)

Like the stars in the sky
I am calling to you.
From the heavens above
I am looking for you.
In the depths of my soul
I will live and breathe for you.
Sadness dwells inside you
You have nothing to fear
for I am next to you.
I can feel your sadness
Let me be sad for you
so you will feel love once again.
Worry not about life
let me worry for you.
You should always love life
for it is a part of you.
I''ll be there when you fall
to catch you and say I Love You...
Saying Goodbye

So Soft
The Brief Touch Of Your Lips
On My Cheek.

Was I Almost Intruding?

"Look After Yourself "
Should Have Been
"I Love You!"

Then The Jumbo Flew Over
My Head
And I Shouted My Love
Above The Roar
And Thundering Thrust

. . . As If You''d Hear.

Through The Clouds In My Eyes
I Watched You Fly Away
And Wished I''d Been Born With Wings.
There’s a warmth in my heart It haunts me when you’re gone
Mend me to your side and never let go
Say Time knows nothing,
we’ll never grow cold
The more I live The more I know
Whats simple is true I love you
Multiply It by Infinity

Take It To The Depth

Of Forever


You Will Still Only Have

A Glimpse Of How Much