Huge SMS Messages15 messages

Once upon a time, there were two friends ''JO'' ans ''SO''.both of them were dudes.
One day they decided to go to a jungle.
while going through jungle, A Huge SNAKE COMES IN FRONT OF THEM!!

JO gets frightened , but SO dies!!


A: JO darr gaya..SO marr gaya
Rabri Devi died and went to heaven (Don''t Laugh).
As she stood in front of yamraj , she saw a Huge wall of clocks behind.
She asked, "What are all those clocks?" Yamraj answered, "Those are LieClocks.
Everyone on Earth has a LieClock.Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."
"Oh," said Rabri, "Who''s clock is that?"That''s Gautam Buddha''s.
The hands have never moved indicating that he never told a lie.
"And whose clock is that? "That''s Abraham Lincoln''s clock.
The hands have only moved twice, telling us that Abraham only told 2 lies in his entire life."
Rabri asked, "Where''s my Laloo''s clock?"
Laloo"s clock is in my office", replied yamraj, "I''m using it as a ceiling fan.
Once Laloo was coming out of the Airport. As there was a Huge
rush, the security guard told Laloo "WAIT PLEASE", for which Laloo
replied "85 Kgs" and moved on...