Education SMS Messages25 messages

What is Education ?What is Education ?
According to section 56(b) of Students Act, 1932,
"It is the process of wasting 1/3rd of ur life in
learning how to waste the remaining 2/3rd."
The latest slogn of boys:
Pakistan is our nation
Girls are our Destination
Dating is Our Occupation
Flirting is our Profession
Leave about Education
21st Century.... Good/Bad???
Our communication - Wireless

Our dress - Topless

Our telephone - Cordless

Our cooking - Fireless

Our youth - Jobless

Our food - Fatless

Our labour - Effortless

Our conduct - Worthless

Our relation - Loveless

Our attitude - Careless

Our feelings - Heartless

Our politics - Shameless

Our Education - Valueless

Our follies - Countless

Our arguments - Baseless

Our Job - Thankless

Our Boss - Brainless

Our Salary - Very less . . .
Which is The Best Place To Get Higher Education...?

KArAchi UNiverSiTy..!

PunJab UniverSiTy..!

OXforD UniverSiTy..!

No.. :P

Aeroplane... ;->
Education is such a wonderful and precious thing...
I wonder why it is wasted on us... ;->
Our Education system has a drawback;
it does not teach us teamwork.
When we solve our tests collaboratively,
they call it cheating... ;-)
Education Is Incomplete Without 5 B''s
B - Bikes.

B - Beers.

B - Babes.

B - Bunks And The Most Important.

B - Backlogs.
Aik Intahaee Educational Shair Arz Hai...

Honthon Pe Hai Lipstick Aur Naina Kajal Se Lais,

Neutralization Is The Reaction Of Acid With Base... =P ;->
When I Die, Bury Me

10 Feet Down As Far As

Place My Computer
Books On My Head

& Tell My Teacher
I m Dead

Place My Chemistry
Books On My Chest

Tell My Teacher How
I m At Rest

Place My Physics
Books On My Right

Tell My Teacher
Nothing I Understand

Place My Pak.studies
Books On My Left

Tell My Teacher
I Tried My Best

Also Tell Them Not
To Cry

Coz They Are Those
Who Made Me Die ...

Say No To Education ... ;->
Ek SAwAL hy Or IsNe MujhE b0hAt SoChNe pE MAjb00r kiA huA hy..

PatA nAhi TuMhEiN Bhi atA hogA k nAhi..??

LEkiN Phir Bhi itNi Education Li hy t0 TuMhEiN t0 pAtA honA ChAhiyE..

MujhE bAs Us kA jAwAb dE do..

SawAL ziAdA MuShkiL nAhi hy..

LEkiN ziAdA asAn Bhi nAhi hy..

SawAL yE hy k..








DEti hy..??







Hy...? =P ;->

Aik Intahaee Educational Shair Arz Hai...

Honthon Pe Hai Lipstick Aur Naina Kajal Se Lais,

Neutralization Is The Reaction Of Acid With Base... =P ;->

When I Die, Bury Me

10 Feet Down As Far As

Place My Computer
Books On My Head

& Tell My Teacher
I m Dead

Place My Chemistry
Books On My Chest

Tell My Teacher How
I m At Rest

Place My Physics
Books On My Right

Tell My Teacher
Nothing I Understand

Place My Pak.studies
Books On My Left

Tell My Teacher
I Tried My Best

Also Tell Them Not
To Cry

Coz They Are Those
Who Made Me Die ...

Say No To Education ... ;->