Different SMS Messages59 messages

There 2 ways to
establish competitive

1. Do things better
than others


2. Do things
Wives Of
King Edward & King Shahjahan
Both died of
"Polycystic Ovary Syndrome"
in the same year
Both Kings immensly
loved their Wives
But Both had a Different
way of expressing it
Shahjahan spent Billions
to make "Taj Mahal" in
memory of the beloved
King Edward built the
"University For Research"
Proclaiming that no one
else should die of the disease
which had snatched his
beloved Wife

"Such differences of thinking
determines the causes of
Rise Or Fall Of Nations ... "
Two hearts intertwined...
Different views...
Different dreams...
Different needs...
Different wants...

Bound by a fragile string called LOVE...
Union as willed by GOD...
How u deal with Love is how u deal with yourself,
and all our hearts feel t he same pains and joys as you,

even if our lives and ways are Different..
In the morning when I wake up
And I open up my eyes,
I feel an aching in my heart
That''s when I realize.
How much I really miss you
And long to have you near.
My heart is filled with sadness,
And my eyes are filled with tears.
At Different times throughout the day,
I find I''m missing you.
And I wonder if, perhaps a bit,
Maybe you miss me too.
I miss you in the shower,
When I''m in there all alone.
And when I want to hear your voice,
And call you on the phone.
When I check my e-mail
And find there''s nothing there.
I can''t help it that I worry,
And I put you in my prayers.
I think by now it''s safe to say,
That I miss you very much,
And my heart will never be the same
Since it suffered Cupids touch
I''m Feeling So Lonely,
Like A Ship In The Middle Of Sea;

The Sky Is Weeping, The World Is Quiet.
Everything Looks Fade, Wherever I See;

They Say, Everything Is In Its Place.
Then Why I Feel This Hollow,
Inside Me?

Can''t I Change This Into Happiness?
Can''t I Make This Moment A Fantasy?

Yes Dear, It Is Possible
The Whole World Would Be Different
If You Were Here, With Me.

Missing You!
HUSBAND- Shall v Try A Different Position 2Nite?
WiFE- Xcellent Idea, U Stand
At Da SINK & Wash Da Dishes
& I''ll Lie oN Da SoFA & Watch
Da T.V.... ;->
Wife: "Shall We Try Different Position Tonight?"

Husband: "Excellent idea"

Wife: "U Stand at Sink & Wash Dishes & I Will Lie On Sofa & Watch TV"... =P ;->
"We all live with the objective of being happy;
our lives are all Different and yet the same."
-Anne Frank (1929-1945)
1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself; that puts you in disagreement with God.

(2) Meditate on your God-given strengths and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.

(3) Don''t compare yourself to anybody else. You''re unique, one of a kind, an original. So don''t settle for being a copy.

(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, God lives in you!

(5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.

(6) Have the courage to be Different. Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser.
“Love lost is still love. It takes a Different form, that’s all.

You can’t see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor.

But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it.

You hold it. You dance with it.

Life has to end. Love doesn’t.”
Opinions Are Like
Wrist Watches !!
Everyone''s Watch
Shows Different Time
From Other ...
Everyone Believes
That Their Time Is
Accurate ... (;->