We all live with the

We all live with the
"We all live with the objective of being happy;
our lives are all different and yet the same."
-Anne Frank (1929-1945)

Jun, 10 2010     121 chars (1 sms)     2138 views       Quatations

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" S T R A N G E "

The First Symptom
In A Young Man Is
The First In A Woman Is,
It''s Boldness ...

~ Victor Hugo ~

'"We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present."

- Thomas Edison'
"Where"er a noble deed is wrought,
Where"er is spoken a noble thought,
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
-Saint Augustine (354-430)
Beautiful Quote By
Shakespeare ...

"L O V E" All

"T R U S T" A Few

DO " W R O N G" To
None ... (:
IF Things R Happening According To Ur Wish,

U r Lucky!

But If They R Not,

U r Very Lucky,

Bcoz They R Happening According To God''s Wish.../

\... K33P SMiLiNG.../

[ ::. K?r?chi RoCK?rS .:: ]
"A failure is a man who has blundere,but is not able to spend your life in your own way"
Fight from yourself every day to make your character more and more better.
One who adopt patience,
will never be deprived of success though
it may take a long time to reach him.
"T o
L o v e
O n e s e l f
I s
T h e
B e g i n n i n g
O f
L i f e - l o n g
R o m a n c e ..." (:

~ Oscar Wilde ~
"We all live with the objective of being happy;
our lives are all different and yet the same."
-Anne Frank (1929-1945)
The Trouble Wid A Rat Race... Is That
Even If U Win, U Are Still A Rat...
Always Run Wid Lions... No Matter Even If U R Defeated... U R Still A Lion... ;->