Submission to Allah''s

Submission to Allah''s
Submission to Allah''s Will is the best companion; wisdom is the noblest heritage; theoretical and practical knowledge are the best signs of distinction; deep thinking will present the clearest picture of every problem.

Jun, 10 2010     220 chars (2 sms)     2045 views       Quatations

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"The whole of life, from the moment you are born
to the moment you die, is a process of learning."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
Very true n pAinful quote

"U ignore me in such An innocent wAy

,All i have is millions of questions 2 Ask

& u still dont hAve anythng to sAy"
"The soul should always stand ajar.
Ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."
-Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."
-Grandma Moses (1860-1961)
The Trouble Wid A Rat Race... Is That
Even If U Win, U Are Still A Rat...
Always Run Wid Lions... No Matter Even If U R Defeated... U R Still A Lion... ;->
Look Not Mournfully Into Past...
It Comes Not Again
Wisely Improve The Present
It''s Thine....
Go Forth To Meet The Shadowy Future
Widout Fear & Wid A Manly Heart .........
"The clearest way into the universe
is through a forest wilderness."
-John Muir (1838-1914)
{¤ Quote ¤}
" Prayer Does Not Cause Faith To Work,
Faith Causes Prayer To Work. "

(Gloria Copeland)
Always look for what's wrong before looking who's wrong.

Read it once again to keep your Relations safe and strong
Beautiful quote:

"If the loser keeps
his smile,

the winner will lose
the thrill of victory...!!!
"Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I want each of everyone who believe in God to be holy because Leviticus 19:1-2 say we should be holy because the Lord we serve is Holy.Amen