to climb steep hills

to climb steep hills
"to climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first"

Jun, 09 2010     53 chars (1 sms)     2015 views       Quatations

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QuOtE oF tHe DaY:

"Excellence Comes When The Performer Takes Pride In Doing His Best."
An Excellent Quote:

I Believe In Love

At First Sight!!


I Have Loved My

Mother Ever

Since I Opened My Eyes...
Don''t Compare yourself with any one in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.
"Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Very true n pAinful quote

"U ignore me in such An innocent wAy

,All i have is millions of questions 2 Ask

& u still dont hAve anythng to sAy"
"Don''t Show So Much
Of Care To Anyone


It Creates A
Non-Curable Pain
They Start Avoiding
You ......
If u r born poor, its not ur mistake
If u die poor, its ur mistake

--- Bill Gates
In the primitive societies,nobody had a WATCH and everyone had TIME,Butin the present societies,
nobody has TIME,but everyone has a WATCH.
"So many gods, so many creeds;
So many paths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind
Is all the sad world needs."
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Beautiful Quote By
Shakespeare ...

"L O V E" All

"T R U S T" A Few

DO " W R O N G" To
None ... (:
"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky."
-William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
"Beauty in things exist in the mind which contemplates them."
-David Hume (1711-1776)