I’m sending this bouquet of love To say that I love you so much I hope I say it often enough I want you to know it’s true, On this special occasion I want to remind you That you are my everything And my love is true,Happy Anniversary Lover!
Best Wishes To You Both On Your Anniversary, May The Love That U Share Last Your Lifetime Through, As U Make A Wonderful Pair. Happy Wedding Anniversary
The most important thing you fixed Was on your day of leisure When you fixed your eyes on me That day I”ll always treasure I love you** Happy Anniversary ***
I"Ll Always Remember The Day I Married You, Without You My Love, My Beauty, I Don"T Know What I"D Do Your Loving And Thoughtful ,Just To Mention Two, I Adore Your Sweet Smile It Makes Me Want You.Happy Anniversary.-
I’m sending this bouquet of love To say that I love you so much I hope I say it often enough I want you to know it’s true,On this Special occasion I want to remind you That you are my everything and my love is true, Happy Anniversary