A world-wide UN survey was conducted.
The question was:Wud u plz give ur honest
opinion about d shortage of food in the rest of the world?
The survey was a failure coz in Africa people did not
know what "food" was,in China they did not know what
"opinion" was,in Europe they did not know what "shortage"
was,Pakis did''nt know what "honest" meant,
Saudis did''nt know what "please" was & in America
they did''nt know what the rest of the world was....??? ;->
Men are like bank accounts.
Without a lot of money they don''t generate a lot of interest. . . ;->
Once in a soap industry in Japan,da soap cover was mistakenely packed widout soap in it i-e empty box.2 avoid da problem in future they purchased X-Ray machine of million dollars 2 check whether soap is filled in cover or not in assembly line.
Same problem arose in a poor city of Pakistan. Wat did they do?They simply put a rotating fan beside assembly line.Empty boxes were flown away! Genius!