U.S.A ne bridge bnaya jo 2citys ko milata ha
British ne esa bridge bnaya jo 2countrys ko milata ha PAKISTAN ne esa brige bnaya jo direct ALLAH TALA se milata ha
In View Of The
Current Developments
IN The Banking
If One Of My Cheque
Returned Marked
"Insufficient Funds"
Does That Refer To
Me Or To You ?
Sharabi ne Doctor se puchha-Aap meri sharab chuurva sakte ho? Doctor-Han kyun nahi. Sharabi-Toh Punjab Police ne meri 200 bottle pakdi hai. Pls chuurva do na.
This is the telephone terrorist team. While receiving this message a virus will be activated. This virus should have infected your mobile by now. Your mobile will be disabled, unless you are ugly.