Walking on hillside, Santa fell down a deep hole.
Banta: Are you ok?
Santa: Fine thanks!
Banta: Did you break anything?
Santa: No, theres nothing down here!
''Jab Load Shedding ho Out of Control.
Khirki Darwaze Khol.
Khirki Darwaze Khol.
Chnada mama ko bol
All is Well
Student KA kia ho ga??
Revision kare ya Paseene mein Khuwar ho ga??
to mom bati jla, Generatot Chal ya
U.P.S laga k bol
Bhaya all is well.....''
Its Easier
To Be A Lover
A Husband
For The Simple Reason
It Is More Difficult To Be
Witty Everyday
Than To Say
Pretty Thing From
Time To Time... ;->