Shaitan: Sam Tmhari Duty Aj Se America
PETER Tm India
Sam: Pakstan Ksko Bhijwya Ha?
Shetan:Ksi Ki Zrorat Nai I''m Satisfd Vid Zardri''s
Prformence ;->
The 1st Advice Of
Father To His Son
When Son Got His
Driving License Made,
“Remember 1 Thing Son
If U’re Going To Hit
Anything, Make Sure
Its Cheap”
after watching all dark blue sets in saawariya, some people have decided 2 change sanjay leela bhansali''s name... guess..
what it wud be???
Colour of underwear reflects your mood:
Red - Wild,
Black - Sexy,
Blue - Romantic,
Pink - Seductive
White - Calm,
Yellow - time to change your undrewear