Teacher:Tum School Kisliye Aate Ho?

Teacher:Tum School Kisliye Aate Ho?
Teacher:Tum School Kisliye Aate Ho?

Stud:Vidya K Liye Sir.

Teacher:To Phir Tum

Class Mein So Kyu Rahe Ho?

Stdnt:Aaj Vidya Nahi Aai Isliye

May, 17 2010     149 chars (1 sms)     2396 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

A bOy Goes To See NighT clUb dAncE,
His Mom GetS angrY & AskS Him:
DiD yOu See AnythIng thErE ThAt You WeRe nOt SuppOse 2 See.
Boy: YeS i Saw DaD..!
Jab tum aine ke paas jate ho to aina kehta hai

beautiful beautiful"

aur jab tum aine se dur jate ho to aina kahata hai

" aprilfool, aprilfool "

What R U Searching




No Msgs Today





Kashmir Day Is Holiday :->
Question!Aysi Ki Tessi Kab Hoti Hai ???

Ans:Jab Lose Motion Lage Hon Aur Pajame Ki Giraah Na Khuley

Pres.Zardari Has Ordered That

All Future Press Conferencs Will B Held Inside The Masjid In Presidency,

Shoes Cannot Be Worn Or Carried Inside Masjid!

Multan mein Aaj BARAF Giri.
1 Aadmi cycle par Baraf le kar ja raha tha.
Carrier Dhila Tha aur baraf gir gaye!
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The most rommantic country of the world..?


O yes! pakistan u know y?

har raat candle light dinner... =P ;->
(thanks to kesc)
Pathan : Kal hum Ne raat se subah tak 4 rupe ghnta packge pe apni grlfrnd se bat kya!

Dost: wo Q?

Pathan: humko Molvi ne bola tha k aaj jaagne ka raat hai ;->
sTuDeNt:MiSs aP nE kAL MuJhE caLL KyOn Ki tHi kYa KaM tHa MuJh Se?

TeAcHeR:Mai Ne To Koi CaLL NaHi Ki

StuDnT:tO pHir mErE mObiLe pE KyOn LiKhA ThA 1 MisS caLL
1986 ki Girl: Mama Jeans Phen lo?
Mom: Na Baiti Log Kiya kahe gaye
2006 ki girl: MAMA mini skirt phen lo?
Mom: Pehn baiti Kuch tu Phen
Sardar:what is the name of yor car?

Lady:i forget the name,but it starts with T.

Sadar:oye kamaal ki gaadi hai,Tea se start hoti hai.Hamaari gaadi petrol se start hoti hai!