1 of the most

1 of the most
1 of the most funniest and shortest joke u ever heard . . . .
Next year Pakistan will export electricity!! :-D

May, 14 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     1871 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

''Aya re larkiyon ki what lagane larkiyon ne kya hai larkon ko tang apni bi hai ab inse jung larkion ki baba assi tassi AYA RE LARKIOYON KI WHAT LAGANE BABA LARKE ZINDABAD''

USA School Interview 4 New Admission
Tech:Who is ur Dad?
His Mom: Plz ask simple questions!
Bhutto Marr Gya
Zinda Hy Bhutto Zinda Hy
B B Marr Gai
Zinda Hy B B Zinda Hy
Ya Allah Pp Ko Ek Or Nara Ata Farma
Zinda Hy Zardari Zinda Hy
Child:Chacha Jan Plz Close Ur Eyz
Whts New?
Child:Mom Sayz,When Ur Chacha

Will Close Their Eyes

We"Ll Find Allot Of Wealth
KARAY JAOOO... . . . .KARAY JAOOOOOOOO.... . . . karay jaoo. . . . karay jaoo. . . . baysharmoon ke tarah sms receive kartay jaoo khud kabhi na karna.....lolz
They Say

One Out Of Every 4
People Are Crazy

Think Of Your
3 Closest Friends

If They Seem Normal ,

You Are This One .... ;->
Sardar orders pizza.
Waiter : Sir shd i cut it into 4 pieces or into 8 ?
Sardar: 4 hi karde 8 khaye nahin jayenge.
the office boy enters boss''s office
i think its ur phone sir

boss- how do u know??

well a voice said
is that you, u old fool.
NON SMOKERS- i hate cigarette so i don''t touch it. ;-(
SMOKER- i too hate cigarette so ''I BURN IT'' :-)
Attitude matters... ;->

Ye Msj Blank Nhi He.

Apko Dhund Ki Wja Se Wrds Nazr Nai A Rahe...

Happy Fog Day
Urgent msg to all..

if anyone want to donate their eyes..

plz contact.

Umpire Steve Buckner “He want to continue tour to Australia“

“Netra daan maha daan“

Soft Speech
Pure Heart
Peaceful Eyes
Strong Hands
Focused Mind &Determined Decision
Always Make U


So,chiLL maro Or JungLi bn k rahO! ;-)