The Difference B/W Friend N Best Friend

The Difference B/W Friend N Best Friend
The Difference B/W Friend N Best Friend..

Friend Says: Hey Plz Drive Safely N Slowly..

B.Friend Says: Abay Bhaga Yr Us Agay Wali
Car Me Full Bachiyan Hain ;->

May, 14 2010     169 chars (2 sms)     2328 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Feeling Sad?

Then Imagine
Im Wid U

( ‘ ; ‘ ) ( ‘ ; ‘ )

Now U Happy?



Chal Fer DAFFA Ho!
ki bemisal kamiyabi k bad ab..
Faraz in english.

This is this and What is what Faraz..

If this is what then what is this Faraz?
Main To Phoolon Wali Razaaei Le Kar So Raha Tha "PAppu" , , ,

Kambakhat, Koi Raat Mein Phoolon Ko Paani De Geya... =P ;->
Never Mind People. . .

When They Say U''re Mad

They Always Mean To Say You

M = Make

A = A

D= Difference. . .
Ek Faqeer Ne Memon K Ghar Ka Darwaza Khatkhtaya,

Or Bola Meray Pass Khanay Ko Aata Nahi Hai.
Memon:Acha Mujhay Pesay Do Main La Deta Hoon. .
5 Things U Hate when Ur Parents Ask:
1-Y R U Late?
2-Y U Need So Much Money?
3-Y Does She/He Call U?
4-Y Such Low Marks?&
5-Y Can''t U be as good as MUZAMMIL;-)

If I were to make a dictionary






LIAR - ME ... =P ;->
There was ONe guy who used to smoke a lot! minimum 2 packs a day. He would make sure his folks never found out. He would always make sure he had loads of mint on him. One day, when he was below his house, his mom was unexpectedly in the balcony, and he didnt have mints on him! He was in a fix. While he was wondering what to do, he sees 2 snakes in the garden. So he eats them tail first. After that his mouth starts smelling of mint. Why?????
EIk Sheir Arz hai'',''

Idhar B Ghum ho Gaya hai'',

Udher B ''Ghum'' ho Gaya hai,

Msg Delete kar Do Sher khatam ho Gaya ha
After engagement : Superman
After Marriage :
After 10 years : Watchman
After 20 years : Doberman
Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Darling : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Darling : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem Can there be greater than this one?
GirlFriends r Appetizers....
Taste Gud Any

Misteress r Tomyams.... Hot & Spicy,

Eaten Frequently

Wives r Maggie....

Eaten When There''s

Nothing To Eat ;->