1 admi car main 2 lrkiyon k 7 betha hai. Car ka No. 2989 hai, jo Car ka number hai wohi admi ka un larkyon say rishta hai.Batao kia rishta hoa? Its challenge 4 u. . . . . . . . . Answer: Nawassi [2 9 89 [Nawasi]]
Your birthday is the perfect day to say I care,
because you will remember me when u certainly make it a
big affair and when you do hold a party... I bet you will
be the one who would care to make ur special day a costly affair!
Make for me a place within your heart
On which I can depend. For only you
Touch the ancient wellsprings of my tears,
Home through all the wanderings of my years,
Eden that no other can renew,
Root I cannot rend through rage or art.