Real Heart Touching Story "A b0y sent the most expensive bird that c0uld speak 40 languages as a birthday gift 2 his g.f. next day he asked about the gift. b.f:hows the bird??... g.f:very tasty:-)
A msg for all the students
of different Colleges and Universities !
As we all know that isb had been through
so many strikes and holidays,
last year.
So, to cover-up that all the students
must hav to convince
our skools admin team to
open the skool on 14th Feb (Sunday);-)
Dosti pake dosti eve ni nibhai jandi, is dost nimane di tenu kade yaad ni andi, har vale kara pehala mein hi sms, je tu kar dawe ki teri shaan ghat jandi
DuRiNg kErFuE A MaN WaS SlEePiNg iN FrOnT Of hIs hOuSe. A PoLiCe mAn sAw hIm aN ToLd hIm tO CuM PoLiCe sTaTiOn wD HiM.He rEqUeTeD HiM To aLlOw hIm tO PuT BaCk hIs bEd iN HiS HoUsE.ThE PoLiCeMaN AgReEd.tHe mAn wEnT InTo tHe hOuSe aN LoCkEd tHe dOoR.ThE PoLiCeMaN ShOuTeD"CoMe oUtSiDe".
hE RePlIeD:"y cOuLd i cOmE OuTsIdE, aS It iS KeRfUe oUtSiDe" :d