one in a million! "

one in a million! "
"God gave me the greatest gift I ever had,
God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad.
Father's Day wishes for a dad who is one in a million! "

Oct, 03 2011     148 chars (1 sms)     2827 views       Fathers day

more Fathers day SMS Messages

Kya Btaye''n Tujhy
Mere Dost, Ab k Saal

Ja Rahy Thay Yaado''n
Ko Liye Dil Main Sambhaal

Ek Ajnabi Ne Achanak Jo
Rok Ker Kaha

Chal PAPUU Mobile Nikaal
Can v do romance in the midnigh 2day
Can v do romance in the midnigh 2day? I"m in a gud mood:)
Just a little bit of kissing n bitin!!
Reply me soon, urs Loving Mosquito

U r on a bus & U need
2 fart ...
But d music is really
loud, so U time Ur
farts with d beats.
After a couple ov
songs, U start 2 feel
better as U approach
Ur stop, as U r leaving
d bus, People REALLY
staring down at U n
that''s when U realize









U''ve been listening 2
Ur iPod !!

Janab Asif Zardari Apni Kitab


Main Likhtay Hai K

"MAIN Kuttay Ko Ya Kutta Mujhay Kat Lay

Dun0 Surton Main Teeka

Kuttay Ko He Lagay Ga "
Examiner:y r u under tension?
Did u forget hall ticket,ID,or calculator?

stdnt-No Sir!

By mistake i brought tomorrow exam''s Chit today:-)
What You Have

Inherited From

Your Father,

You Must Earn Over

Again For Yourselves,

Or It Will Not Be Yours.

Happy Fathers" Day,
I"D Go Through

Stretch Marks Again

For You.

Happy Fathers" Day,
Luv never dies..
It remains forever
Only partner changes.. ;-)
So keep loving d latest one ;-)
A Father Is Someone That
Holds Your Hand At The Fair
Makes Sure You Do What Your Mother Says
Holds Back Your Hair When Yor Are Sick
Brushes That Hair When It Is Tangled Because Mother Is Too Busy
Lets You Eat Ice Cream For Breakfeast
But Only When Mother Is Away
He Walks You Down The Aisle
And Tells You Everythings Gonna Be Ok
I know just the person who needs
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you!
Happy Father’s Day!
"Delightful And Loving,
Loved And Admired,
Dad, You''re My Hero,
My Life You''ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings
Are Counted Each Day,
I Thank God In Heaven
For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence
Throughout Thick And Thin;
You''re More Than A Parent,
You''re My Wonderful Friend.
Happy Father Day
Friendly, Affectionate, Tender, Heroic, Easygoing and Righteous...
That's you Papa
Happy Father's Day!