Love Your Parents !

Love Your Parents !
Tamam Gunahon Ki Saza
ALLAH Jab Tak Chahay Talta Rehta Hy
Lkin Waldain Ke Nafrman Ko
Uski Zndge Me He Saza Deta He

Love Your Parents !
Respect them

Apr, 01 2011     156 chars (1 sms)     3066 views       Fathers day

more Fathers day SMS Messages

You May Be Out

Of Sight

But You"Re

Always In

My Mind.

Happy Fathers"Day

Shadi Me Munna Papa Se:
Papa Khana Kab Khaen Ge ?
Papa;Dear Dolha Dulhan Aayen Ge Unko Ye Peson Ka Lifafa Den Ge Phr
Khana Khaen Ge

Munnah: Bhaga Gaya Stage Ki Janib Doolhe Se Kehne Laga Ye Lo 1TT Rupe 2plate Biryani Or Salaad K Pese Kaat Lo... ;->

U r on a bus & U need
2 fart ...
But d music is really
loud, so U time Ur
farts with d beats.
After a couple ov
songs, U start 2 feel
better as U approach
Ur stop, as U r leaving
d bus, People REALLY
staring down at U n
that''s when U realize









U''ve been listening 2
Ur iPod !!
My Father Didn''t

Tell Me How To Live;

He Lived, And Let

Me Watch Him Do It.

Happy Fathers Day!
Friendly, Affectionate, Tender, Heroic, Easygoing and Righteous...
That's you Papa
Happy Father's Day!
What You Have

Inherited From

Your Father,

You Must Earn Over

Again For Yourselves,

Or It Will Not Be Yours.

Happy Fathers" Day,
"It is easier for a father
to have children than
for children to have a real father.

I’m glad to have u dad, HAPPY FATHERS DAY"
A Father means so many things...
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
Happy Father's Day!!!
Tamam Gunahon Ki Saza
ALLAH Jab Tak Chahay Talta Rehta Hy
Lkin Waldain Ke Nafrman Ko
Uski Zndge Me He Saza Deta He

Love Your Parents !
Respect them
Thanks For Being There

Through The Tears,

Laughter And Dirty


Happy Father"S Day!
I know just the person who needs
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you!
Happy Father’s Day!

I Cannot Think Of

Any Need In Childhood

As Strong As The Need

For A Father''s Protection.

Happy Fathers" Day,

Submited in : Fathers Day SMS

Characters : 136 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )