i cannot think ofbr

i cannot think ofbr

I Cannot Think Of

Any Need In Childhood

As Strong As The Need

For A Father''s Protection.

Happy Fathers" Day,

Submited in : Fathers Day SMS

Characters : 136 | Sms Length : 1

Submitted By HumAyuN From Multan ( 03216307893 )

May, 03 2010     264 chars (2 sms)     2266 views       Fathers day

more Fathers day SMS Messages

My Father Didn''t

Tell Me How To Live;

He Lived, And Let

Me Watch Him Do It.

Happy Fathers Day!
Thanks For Being There

Through The Tears,

Laughter And Dirty


Happy Father"S Day!
Friendly, Affectionate, Tender, Heroic, Easygoing and Righteous...
That's you Papa
Happy Father's Day!
I salute your Father who is taking care of such an idiot and duffer child.
He surely has got a strong stamina.

May your Father live Long.

Happy Father Day...
Luv never dies..
It remains forever
Only partner changes.. ;-)
So keep loving d latest one ;-)

U r on a bus & U need
2 fart ...
But d music is really
loud, so U time Ur
farts with d beats.
After a couple ov
songs, U start 2 feel
better as U approach
Ur stop, as U r leaving
d bus, People REALLY
staring down at U n
that''s when U realize









U''ve been listening 2
Ur iPod !!

Patni:Dekho,Wo Couple KISS Karte Hue Kitna Khush Dikhai De Rahe Hai.

Pati:Wo Usse DROP Karne Aaya Hai,RECEIVE Karne Nahi..
"It is easier for a father
to have children than
for children to have a real father.

I’m glad to have u dad, HAPPY FATHERS DAY"
"God gave me the greatest gift I ever had,
God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad.
Father's Day wishes for a dad who is one in a million! "
Happy Happy Father''s Day

Here''s A Little Song To Say

"Happy, Happy Father''s Day"

No One''s Father Is So Sweet.

Your Kind Ways Just Can''t Be Beat.

Happy Happy Father''s Day;

I Love You In A Big Way!!
Daddy, I Love You
For All That You Do.
I''ll Kiss You And Hug You
''Cause You Love Me, Too.

You Feed Me And Need Me
To Teach You To Play,
So Smile ''Cause I Love You
On This Father''s Day.
Some Things Are

Just Better The

Way They Are

Like You!

Happy Fathers"Day!