Two Aspects Of Life

Two Aspects Of Life
Two Aspects Of Life

If V Become Too Sentimental,
It Is Too Hard To Lead Life

If V Become Too Practical,
Its Too Tough To Respect Relation

Jun, 19 2010     148 chars (1 sms)     1980 views       Decent

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I have no Yesterday..
Time took it away.

2moro Nobody Knows.
It may not b mine.

But I have today 2 Wish you the Sweetest day.

TC. Keep :)
always be the reason of someone happiness,
never be just a part of it.
a part of someone sadness,
but never be the reason for it.
There r Only 2 Persons
Who Can Tell You The Truth About You ...

A Friend Who has Lost His Temper ...


A Enemy Who Starts Loving You ...
Fact of Life :
Impossible does not mean that it is not possible.It actually means that nobody has done it so far.We are born to break the limits.
Dun Underestimate The Power Of A Touch
A Smile, A Kind Word, A Listening Ear, An Honest Compliment, Or The Smallest
Act Ov Caring, All Of Which Have The Potential To Turn
A Life Arround . . . :)
God plz grant me the calmness

to accept the thngs I cant change,

the courage to change thngs I can

and wisdom to knw the difrnce b/w these two.
Mujhe Allah pe to yakeen hai
k wo meri dua zror Qabul farmaye ga
mujhe khud pe yakin nahi
k main Qabuliat k la''aiq hoon b ya nahi..??
U neVer gEt a pErsOn oF uR tYpe In this WoRld..

You will either have to Adjust
u will have to ComprOmiSe..!

U Adjust when Someone wanTs t0 be with u..

U compRomIse when u waNt t0 be with s0Meone... ;->
koshesh kijiye k zndge me wo shaks ap ko hmesha muskurata hua mile....
jise ap roz aene me daikhte ho.....!
so plz always keep smiling...!
East or West Fahim is the best.
East or West Fahim is the best.
Is MSG ko 50 logon ko send karo.
Inshallah Tomorrow will be Monday. Jite Raho. aur Jine Do.
When a love comes to an end, weak cry, efficient ones instantly find another love, and the wise already have one in reserve...
So b wise always ;-
School ki friendship 10th class tak,

Collage ki friendship final year tak,

Love ki friendship shaadi tak,
Humari friendship 30th February tak
Qk na 30th Feb aayegi aur na hi humari dosti tootegi.