Few realation in

Few realation in
Few realation in Earth Never Die.
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(F) Few (R) Realation (I) In (E) Earth (N) Never (D) Die

Jun, 17 2010     132 chars (1 sms)     2380 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

if u find faults in any of his/her behaviour,

just ignore d faults n forgive dem.

Coz act of forgiveness is necessary

in true relationship
F r I e N d S h I p

Is LiKe A bAnK aCcOuNt ...

YoU cAnNoT cOnTiNuE tO dRaW oN iT


MaKiNg DePoSiTs ... (=
girl: what do you like in me?
boy: Those two white big balls having black dots in it...
girl: what???
boy: yes i like your eyes. its really beautiful
Friends are the BEST part of our LIVES....
Thanx 4 "B"eing"1".
Real Friends do not get offended

when you insult them.

They smile and call you something

even more offensive :P ;)
Secret Of Friendship
Isn’t Finding A Perfect Friend But Loving Imperfect Friend Perfectly
True Friendship Doesn’t Have Any Ending
It Simply Never Ends
It starts wid a hi/hello.

It increases as ''wats up dese days''.

It grows 2 ''oye btana nae hota.''

It tends 2 mould as

''stupid tu apna dimaag mat chala,

jaisa i m saying waisa kar''

And den it ends NEVER.

Dats frendshp.
A Friend Is Like A Book .. That Has To Be Read To Appreciate Its Beauty ...

As Such You''re One Of The Finest Book Ever Written ...

How I Wish You Could Be Reprinted ! .... (:
True Friends are like Diamond
They are real and rare
And everyone want it

False Friends are like sand and dust
They are scattered everywhere
And everyone hate it.

Your are my diamond, Take cares of yourself
~D e d i c a t e d~

I find my hands full of Friends
I want to hold ''em tight as I fear losing ''em,
Then I laugh,
When I realize that they are the ones holding me....
Thanks for being there for me...=)
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.

My riches do not lie in material wealth,

but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.
The Day U Came To My Life

I Crowned U My Sweetest Friend

I Judge U Not For Ur Beauty Or Tone


I Feel U As My Own ... :->