Met you as a

Met you as a
Met you as a stranger
Took you as a friend
Hope we meet in Heaven
where friendship never ends

Jun, 17 2010     97 chars (1 sms)     1854 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

riends r da cutest,lovble idiots in dis world!!!

Bcoz they can die for friendship at any instant...

But At da same time,they wil demand a treat for Dying.. ;->
The Shortest Solution Of Every Problem

Is To Minmize The Distance Between

Yoour Knees & Floor ...

Those Who Knee Down To GOD

Stand Up To Anything ...
A friend gives hope when life is low,
a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
a friend is honest, a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is u
Friend ship is like a snow ball. Easy to make it but heart to keep it. Dil
Think About It

One Of The Gr8est
Titles, V Can Have Is
V Never Appreciate
How Important "OLD
V r Older, The Problem
Is, V Need To Start Our
Old Friendships, When
V r Young. V Then
Have To Nurture &
Grow Those
Friendships Over Our
Middle Age When A
Busy Life & Changing
Geographies Can Cause
Us To Neglect Those
Today Is The Day To
Invest In Those People
V Hope Will Call Us
Years To Come ... (:
. F R I E N D S H I P
,;*"*;, is like
*; ,;* a
__)(____ TRee.....
It is not MEASUREDby how TALL it could be,
but how deeply the roots have grown

It''s a Package of Feelings,

Nobody can Make it,

Nobody can Delete it,

Nobody can Explain it,

Only "We" can "Feel" it...
Friends Are Like Flowers In Hands
If Not Hold Properly
The Throns Can Hurt U . . .
After 20 years of friendship a friend asked his buddy:
"How come we travelled so far in this friendship?"

His buddy smiled and said:
"I know what you are,
I understand what you cannot be"...

"I am happy at what you are, and I compromisd on what you cannot be"...

That''s how we are here...!! (:
The Test Of Friendship Dosen''t Comes When U R 2gether.

It Comes When U Part Ways & U Realize That Despite

The Distance, The Friendship Is Still There...
dosti ma choti choti baton se shikwa na kerna,
gila tab kerna jab hum dosti toor dengay,
Q kay
aisa tabhi
jab hum ye duniya chor dengay..
One tree can start a forest,
One Smile can start Friendship ,
One touch can show luv n care,
& One friend like u can make life worth-living!