Friend ship never die

Friend ship never die
"Friends & Medicines both take care of us in our pains.But the only difference is that Good friends don't have an Expiry Date"

Nov, 22 2011     126 chars (1 sms)     3388 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Achy Dost
"HATH" Aur
"ANKH" Ki Tarha
Hotey Hain, Jab
Taqleef Hoti Hai To
"ANKH" Roti hai.
Auur jab "Ankh"
Roti hai to
"HATH" ansoo
Ponchta hai.
Life is like math. Friends ko plus kro,
dushman ko minus kro, khushion ko multiply kro,
Gham ko divide kro, aur hamesha muskrao.
Friend means

F: Fursat ho na ho

R: Raat ho ya din ho

I: Intezaar ho na ho

E: Ehsas ho na ho

N: Nibaho dil khol kay

D: Dosti kay rishtay ko

CHahe mulaqat ho na ho
It''s really

wen 2

gud frnds

it''s sad

wen 2

hope it won''t
happen 2 us!

Stay d same!
A Great Quote By
Abraham Lincoln

"If FrIeNdShIp
iS yOuR wEaKeSt
PoInT tHeN yOu ArE
tHe StRiNgEsT pErSoN
iN tHe WorLd ... " :)
Only Your

Real Friends

Will Tell



Your Face

Is Dirty.

~Sicilian Proverb
TerI DosTi TerI WaFa Hi KAfi Hai..
TamaM UmeR yeH aSsRa Hi KaFi HAi..
JaHaN KaHIN BhI Mil0 Mill KeR MusKRa DaiNA...
meRe JeeNe K LYe TeRi YeH AddA Hi KaFI HaI....
Distances never separates any relation,
Time never builds any relation.
If feelings are true from heart,
Then frnds are always frnds 4evr
~D e d i c a t e d~

I find my hands full of Friends
I want to hold ''em tight as I fear losing ''em,
Then I laugh,
When I realize that they are the ones holding me....
Thanks for being there for me...=)
Har khushi dil ke kareeb nahi hoti,

zindgi gum se door nahi hoti.

Sanjokar rakhna ye dosti humari,

ye dosti har kisi ko naseeb nahi hoti.
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF
gOoD n SiNcErE
In oUr LiVeS
iS lIkE
tHe ImPoRtAnCe Of
ThEy aRe NoT vIsIbLe
tHeY sIlEnTlY sUpPoRt
OuR lIfE ... (:
MY friendship is just like a rubber band, It is too flexible,
Stretch it as much as u can, but if u leave it,
it "ll hurt u a lot, really a lot!