One Who Dreams

One Who Dreams
One Who Dreams Of Success
Cannot Succeed Without Waking Up First.
To Explore The Ocean
One Has To Leave The Shore.
A Bend Of Road Can Be The End Of Road
If You Fail To Turn.

Jun, 15 2010     180 chars (2 sms)     1961 views       Inspirational

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Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

1 "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
2 "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love."
3 "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
4 "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."
5 "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
6 "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

PRAYER is not a spare wheel,

That you pull out when you are in trouble.

USE it as a steering WHEEL,

That keep you on RIGHT path through out the life.
1)if ur heart obeys ur mind u will rule the world...

2)if ur mind obeys ur heart u will win the love of the world.....

wat wil u prefer to be the king of the world(1)
or to be loved by all (2)
Sumday Evrything ''Ll
All Make Perfect
So 4 Now
Laugh @ The Confusion
Smile Through Tears
Keep Reminding
Evrything Happens For
A Reason .. (:
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.
So always trust in yourself..
A Life Widout Challenge
Wud Be Like Going 2 School
Widout Lesson w Learn
Challengez Come
Not 2 Depress Or Get U Down
2 Master
& 2 Grow
& 2 Unfold Ur Abilities
Smtims v think

why frenz keep frwarding msges 2 us

widout speaking wrds.

D reason is tat,

u hv got nthing big 2 say,

bt still want 2 say

i am alwys dere..:-):-)
If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree and if you fall on the ground then fall as a seed that grows back to fight again.
Live purely. Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon, come out
from behind the clouds!
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier
Come to the edge,
we can''t we are afraid
Come to the edge,
we can''t we will fall
Come to the edge,
and they came
...and he pushed them
...and they flew
When u find a dream inside ur heart,

dont ever let it go,

Coz dreams r the tiny seeds

from which beautiful 2morow grows.