Optimistic people bring

Optimistic people bring
Optimistic people bring a sense of hope into world.

Encouraging people bring a new meaning to life.

They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day.

They bring sunlight everyday :)

Jun, 15 2010     194 chars (2 sms)     3147 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Knowing Others, Is Intelligence

Knowing Urself Is True Wisdom

Mastering Others, Is Strength

Mastering Urself Is True Power . .
Many of life''s
circumstances r
cre8ed by 3 basic
choices ..

1. The disciplines U
choose to keep
2. The ppl U choose to
be with
3. The laws U choose
to obey (:
World Is Not A Parking Place

It Is A Racing Track

Keep On Moving

No Matter When & Where You Start


Reach Your Goal & Make New Records
I Believe That ...

Every Right Implies A
Every Opportunity An
Every Possession A
Duty ...
Log sirf yeh hee kyun kehtey hein k aankh sey aansoo nikal rahey hein,

Kya dil kabhi nahee roya?

Agar roya hai to log dil ko kyun bhool jatey hein
A man..
One of the most beautiful creations.
U can see his innocence in the form of a $On;
his care in the form of a brother;
his warmth in the form of a friend;
his passion in the form of a beloved;
his dedication in form of a husband
and his divinity in the form of a father.

Send this to every man u admire.
Contribute towards bringing a smile on every men''s face... ;->
Billgates gav3 5$ tip to the waiter.

Waiter: Sir, yesterdy ur son gav 50$ tip & u gave only 5$?
Billgates: He is the son of Millionaire,
i m the son of farmer.
Drop The Idea Of Becoming Someone,
You Are Already A Masterpiece.
You Cannot Be Improved.
You Have Only To Come To It, To Know It, To Realize It...
Aik Scientific Sher Arz Hay...

Machhar K Kaatnay Se paPPu Ko Ho Gaya Maleria,

Pressure Is Equal To Force Per Unit Area... =P ;->
Success Seems To Be Connected With Action

Successful People Keep Moving

They Make Mistake But They Don''t Quit ...
Abhi Ye Na Pooch K Manzil Kahan Hai

Abhi Tou Bas Safar Ka Irada Kia Hai

Na Hoarunga Main Hosla Zindagi Bhar

Ye Kisi Se Nahi Khud Se Wada Kia Hai
1)if ur heart obeys ur mind u will rule the world...

2)if ur mind obeys ur heart u will win the love of the world.....

wat wil u prefer to be the king of the world(1)
or to be loved by all (2)