Don''t Waste Your

Don''t Waste Your
Don''t Waste Your Time On Jealousy. . .
Some Times U''re A Head . . . Some Times U''re Behind . . .
The Race Is Long And In The End It''s Only Wid Yourself . . .

Jun, 15 2010     164 chars (2 sms)     2166 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

There are only two important moments in a man''s life...

When he was born


When he proves
Why he was born...
Sometimes GOD pushes us to our LIMITS ...

HE tests us beyond our ENDURANCE,


He has greater FAITH in us than we have in ourselves ... :)
Pple R like stained-glass windows
dey sparkle n shine wen the sun is out
but wen da darkness sets in
their true beauty is revealed only if der is a light frm within
Just a thought
That you need to host.
Never fear at all
What you fear the most.

Attack fears head on.
Do not avoid, nor swerve.
For it will only restrict
What you deserve.

The risk of hurt
Is just a game of chance.
If you fear the music
You will never dance.

If failure has given you
Bitter taste and tears,
Remember, God loves your faith,
Satan loves your fears.
Most optimistic line i have ever come across.

"I know i''m the boy of her dreams,

Its just that she hasn''t started dreaming yet"
It is not because things are difficult that
we do not dare,

it is because
we do not dare that they are difficult.

Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world''s phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again.
When people talk behind your back,

what does it mean??


It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!

So, Keep moving ahead in Life!!
Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution
You may do to me what ever you wish to me but you shall not be able to touch my truth,

You may shed my blood and burn my body but you can't kill my spirit,

You may tie my hands with chains and feet with shackles and put me in dark prison but you can't enslave my thinking,

For it is as free as the breeze in the spacious sky
(Khalil Jibran)
A Mistake
Increase Ur
Decrease Ur
Mistakes ...
You Learn
From Ur
Other Will
Learn From Ur
Success ...

"SUCCESSFUL" Always ... :)
D o n ’ t
W i s h
I t
W a s
E a s i e r,
R a t h e r
W i s h
Y o u
W e r e
B e t t e r . . . =)